Sunday, June 13, 2010

Lampwork beads - a flash from the past

Since this is the first of several posts devoted to things I've made in the past, I thought I'd go back to one of my true loves - lampwork glass. I haven't been able to work with glass since we arrived in Springfield, primarily because we haven't had the time or resources to set up a glass studio in our new house. In Tucson I was able to work outside on the back patio, pretty much year-round; but here the snow and rain get in the way, and I really need a clean indoor space devoted to lampwork (and silversmithing - but that's another post). Our plan is to convert a corner of the garage into a studio, complete with new walls, ceiling and door, an exhaust fan and windows that open onto the garden - after all, what's an art studio of any sort without inspiration! But in the meantime, I sketch ideas for new works and refine the plans for the studio, all the while hoping that next year we'll be able to get it up and running. Here are some pictures from my very first studio in Tucson - I'm making a flower bead:

And since I am, at heart, a jewelry designer, I feel my beads look best when properly set in a finished piece. Here are some of my favorites, most of which have been gifted to my mom, sister or other relatives:

And here are some of the "novelty" pieces I've created for my two favorite holidays - Halloween and Christmas:

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